How Teens Bought Their Vapes?

Given the attractive packaging and irresistible flavors, disposable vapes are as appealing to teens as they are to adults. Therefore, it is no surprise that teenagers are using vapes in large numbers. Some teenagers do not own disposable vape devices because they borrow from their older friends or family who think that disposable vapes are harmless. Although some teenagers do not own vape devices, a greater number own vapes they’ve bought personally. The big question is, with all the legal issues surrounding vapes, how do teens buy their vapes? The answer will shock you. Some of the places where teens bought their vapes from the following access.


Believe it or not, teenagers are buying disposable vapes directly from retailers at convenience stores, petrol stations, and tobacconists. Even though the legal age requirement for buying products in retail shops is 21 years and above, teenagers still get away with it. This is because most attendants in these retail shops are not strict on checking IDs before selling the vapes. Also, the shop attendants are sometimes overwhelmed with many customers at the retail shops that they forget to ask for IDs before selling vapes to teens.


Another place where teens buy their vapes is the vape stores that operate online. Although these websites indicate that you have to be 21 years or older to even access their websites, there are no further strict measures to lock out underage kids. All they have is a pop-up quiz that asks if you are 21 years old and above, then you can simply go ahead and make a purchase.

Social Media

Teenagers also buy their disposable vapes on social media platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and Facebook. On social media, sometimes these vapes are sold as a box of candy, and unsuspecting teenagers buy them out of ignorance or peer pressure. Once kids buy them on social media, they choose a fake name and address for delivery and get away with it.

Buying From another Person

For teens who do not know where to buy vapes online, simply buy the vapes from other people. Since it is common knowledge that vapes are not for sale to persons under 21 years old, some adults choose to buy the vapes and resell them to teens illegally. Usually, these vapes are more expensive because the persons selling them are reselling them for a bigger profit.

Buying Through Older Friends

Another option is that teens send their older friends or even age mates that look older. For this reason, they usually send their friends to get them from the corner store or convenience store nearby. The friends who are always sent are happy to do it as they do it at the cost of keeping the change.

What’s next?

There is nothing interesting about kids buying and using vapes. This calls for every member of society to join hands and work together and ensure no vapes land in the hands of underage kids for whatever reasons. Below are some of the measures that can be put in place for this to happen.


Parents should educate themselves on disposable vapes, the ingredients used, as well as their side effects. This will help them create awareness for their kids who think that vapes are simply flavors that have no negative effects on their health. Also, parents are advised to have a dialogue with their underage kids on the same to help them learn the information the kids have regarding vapes. Statements such as ‘it is bad for you’ should be avoided as they could end the conversation before it even begins.

Better Enforcement of Age Restrictions

One of the reasons why teens are still able to purchase vapes directly is because of the laxity in enforcing age restrictions. Therefore, the government, as well as retail shop owners, should improvise measures that ensure the age restriction is enforced at all times. Appearance only cannot reveal whether a customer buying a disposable vape is of legal age or not.

Put an End to Illegal Imports and Sales

While education serves to create awareness of the dangers of vaping to your health, strict policies should be put in place to discourage the illegal import and sale of vapes. A market full of illegal vapes makes the efforts to discourage teenage vaping seems futile. Therefore, discouraging the illegal sale of these products helps to solve the root cause of the problem.


Even though disposable vapes contain a lower percentage of nicotine compared to tobacco cigars, they still pose a health risk. Scientists have proven them to cause lung illness, injuries, and toxicity when overdone. That is why there is still a need to protect underage kids from vapes, no matter how enticing they are.

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